Microsoft Outsourcing AI Research to OpenAI: Good News for Google

Microsoft’s decision to outsource its AI research and development to OpenAI is considered beneficial for Google, according to Todd McKinnon, CEO of cybersecurity firm Okta. He told CNBC that Google originally led the research that made today’s generative AI possible.

Google’s Contributions to AI

Google’s DeepMind team was crucial in developing the transformers algorithm, which is the backbone of large language models (LLMs) used in advanced AI today. McKinnon emphasized that much of the groundbreaking AI research originated from Google.

Investment in AI

Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google’s DeepMind, announced that Google plans to invest more in AI than Microsoft and OpenAI’s projected $100 billion over the next few years. This commitment is part of Google’s strategy to maintain its leadership in AI technology.

Microsoft’s AI Integration

Microsoft has heavily invested in OpenAI, with a total of nearly $13 billion. This partnership has allowed Microsoft to integrate OpenAI’s technology into many of its products, including the AI chatbot CoPilot and AI-equipped PCs.

Challenges for Google

Despite its foundational contributions, Google faces challenges in commercializing its AI technologies. Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI has given it a leading position in AI, potentially threatening Google’s dominance in the search market as more users turn to AI chatbots for information.

Additionally, Google’s AI products have faced criticism. Features like AI Overviews have been criticized for providing incorrect and dangerous advice. Google’s Gemini AI model also faced backlash for generating inaccurate historical images.

The Future of AI Development

McKinnon noted that developing AI is different from other technologies, such as personal computers, which were disruptive and accessible to smaller companies. In contrast, AI development requires massive investments, such as the $10 billion Microsoft invested in OpenAI.

He also expressed concerns about AI-related risks, like disinformation, which could slow down technological progress. McKinnon warned that excessive regulation might limit AI development to only the largest companies.


Microsoft’s reliance on OpenAI underscores the competitive nature of AI development. While Google has faced setbacks, its early work in AI and substantial investment plans keep it as a significant player in the AI landscape. The evolving competition between tech giants like Microsoft and Google will shape the future of AI and its impact on various industries.

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