Pune Municipal Corporation to Enhance Road Safety with Speed Breaker Mapping on Google Maps

In a recent initiative to improve road safety, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken steps to map over 2,500 speed breakers across the city on Google Maps. The decision was made during a meeting attended by Aniruddha Pawaskar, the head superintendent of the PMC department, along with officials from the road department and traffic planning department.

Recognizing the importance of speed breakers in preventing roadside accidents, the PMC aims to provide residents with crucial information about the exact locations of speed breakers through a dedicated application on Google Maps. The move comes in response to concerns that many speed breakers in the city are being installed without adherence to the standards set by the Indian Road Congress.

During the meeting, PMC traffic planner Nikhil Mijar emphasized the need to collaborate with navigation companies to disseminate speed breaker information effectively. Mijar explained that sharing this information with GPS companies, including Google Maps, would benefit commuters, rental car services, and users of high-end vehicles equipped with built-in GPS systems.

Mijar stated, “Currently, the majority of rental car services use GPS technology to determine where to drop a client. Aside from that, most high-end vehicles include built-in GPS systems as well. We will relay the information to Google because the majority of users use their application.”

The PMC, responsible for constructing speed breakers after obtaining permission from the Traffic Police Department, will share details such as location and type with GPS companies. This collaborative effort aims to assist drivers in adjusting their speeds, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring smoother rides on city roads.

Reacting to the news, Sadashiv Peth resident Mahesh Awate expressed support for the initiative, stating, “Most people use Google Maps or Apple Maps for navigation; if the PMC shares speed breaker information, it will help commuters adjust the speed of their vehicles and avoid accidents. It’s an innovative step by the PMC.”

Prashant Inamdar, convener of the NGO ‘Pedestrian First,’ highlighted the history of advocating for a “traffic calming policy” that includes the strategic placement of speed breakers. Inamdar acknowledged the long-standing recommendation from road safety experts in 2017 to provide speed breaker information to GPS companies, expressing satisfaction that the initiative is now being implemented.

This proactive approach by the PMC aligns with its commitment to road safety and signifies a positive step toward reducing accidents and enhancing the overall commuting experience for residents in Pune.

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