“PM Modi Sparks Worldwide Cooperation for Ethical AI Impact”

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has raised concerns about the potential misuse of artificial intelligence (AI) by terrorists, emphasizing the need for a worldwide framework to ensure ethical AI use. During the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence Summit, he stressed the dual nature of AI, capable of being a driving force for development or a destructive one.

Modi proposed establishing a global governance framework, similar to existing international agreements, to guide the responsible use of AI. He emphasized India’s commitment to ethical AI practices and announced the upcoming launch of an AI mission, recognizing its potential in transforming sectors like healthcare and contributing to sustainable development.

The Prime Minister highlighted the importance of addressing deepfakes, cybersecurity threats, and data theft associated with AI. He urged a cautious approach and underscored the need for transparency, privacy, and inclusivity in AI development. Modi emphasized the role of human and democratic values in shaping the direction of AI and called for collaboration to create a global framework within a specific timeframe.

In addition, he advocated for making data and algorithms transparent and free from bias as a crucial step towards responsible AI use. Recognizing AI as a transformative global movement, Modi emphasized the need for trust, credible information, and the inclusive development of AI for the benefit of humanity.

In summary, PM Modi’s key points include the call for a global ethical framework, India’s commitment to responsible AI use, and the importance of transparency, privacy, and inclusivity in AI development.

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